Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Film Poster

- This is our very first try at layering the Snobs in the City title, actor's photograph and skyline background together for our promotional film poster. The picture of the actors is before retouching and I feel we have really captured the essence of the film through the facial expressions of the actors. The choice of having a cityscape background was in order to reflect the importance of the film's setting of London. The font chosen for the film title has a strong impact on prospective buyers with the pink lipstick style font for the word 'snobs' portraying the feminine nature of the characters.

- This is the second draft of the film poster for Snobs in the City. After the first try we realised that the background was the best choice and found that this image would work better as it gives more of the allusion that the characters are within the city as 'professionals' or not-so-much-professionals as the trailer shows. Additionally, we strategically posisitoned the tops of the buildings above the character's heads reflecting their low status within the working industry.

- This is the third and final copy of our Snobs in the City film poster. We added a banner at the top of the poster with the two starring actors names with the first letters in a calligraphy style font in keeping with the 'posh' characters. We also added the tag line of the film in a pink font giving clues to the film's central theme. Another amendment we made was changing the background to a brighter more light-hearted blue giving the image a more appealing look. The institutional information, age certification, film website, "coming soon" and other aspects of retouching all add authenticity. Overall, I feel we have produced a strong and polished promotional poster for Snobs in the City acting as way of establishing and strengthening our campaign.


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